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- Ζέρσεϋ
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- Tape συγκράτησηs
- Περιποίηση δέρματος και έλκους
- Εργαλεία μέτρησης και θεραπείας
- Ανομοιόμορφα υποστρώματα
- Αφρώδη υποστρώματα και επιθέματα
- Πακέτα Υλικών Θεραπείας
- Αυτοπερίδεση - Περίδεση ύπνου
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- Μυοσκελετικά
- Θεραπευτική άσκηση
- Εμβιομηχανική - Κινησιολογία
- Manual Therapy
- Κλινικός συλλογισμός
- Θεραπευτικές τεχνικές
- Trigger Points
- Διαχείριση περιτονίας
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Respiratory Physiotherapy: An On-Call Survival Guide is the go-to book for physiotherapy students and newly qualified physiotherapists when caring for patients with respiratory conditions or complications.
The title covers all common conditions for both adults and children, in a wide range of settings and focuses on practical information that is directly and immediately applicable to patient care.
The third edition is fully updated and revised, each chapter gives you access to the most up to date expertise in the field of respiratory physiotherapy. The consistent chapter layout makes it easy to identify where relevant information will be.
Respiratory Physiotherapy pocketbook 3rd edition
ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ: 9780702055072
Respiratory Physiotherapy: An On-Call Survival Guide is the go-to book for physiotherapy students and newly qualified physiotherapists when caring for patients with respiratory conditions or complications.
The title covers all common conditions for both adults and children, in a wide range of settings and focuses on practical information that is directly and immediately applicable to patient care.
The third edition is fully updated and revised, each chapter gives you access to the most up to date expertise in the field of respiratory physiotherapy. The consistent chapter layout makes it easy to identify where relevant information will be.
Respiratory Physiotherapy: An On-Call Survival Guide is the go-to book for
Respiratory Physiotherapy: An On-Call Survival Guide is the go-to book for physiotherapy students and newly qualified physiotherapists when caring for patients with respiratory conditions or complications.
The title covers all common conditions for both adults and children, in a wide range of settings and focuses on practical information that is directly and immediately applicable to patient care.
The third edition is fully updated and revised, each chapter gives you access to the most up to date expertise in the field of respiratory physiotherapy. The consistent chapter layout makes it easy to identify where relevant information will be.
Key Features of Respiratory Physiotherapy book
- Case studies that cover common emergency situations
- Self-assessment questions which offer the reader verification of their comprehension and clinical reasoning skills
- A-Z of treatment techniques
- Appendices including normal values and common drugs used in critical care areas so that essential information is always at hand
Details of Respiratory Physiotherapy book
- No. of pages: 328
- Language : English
- Copyright: © Elsevier 2020
- Published: 23rd July 2020
- Imprint: Elsevier
- Είδος προϊόντος
- Βιβλία
- Εκδότης
- Elsevier
- Γλώσσα
- Αγγλικά
- Επιστημονικό πεδίο
- Αναπνευστικά
Key Features of Respiratory Physiotherapy book
- Case studies that cover common emergency situations
- Self-assessment questions which offer the reader verification of their comprehension and clinical reasoning skills
- A-Z of treatment techniques
- Appendices including normal values and common drugs used in critical care areas so that essential information is always at hand
Details of Respiratory Physiotherapy book
- No. of pages: 328
- Language : English
- Copyright: © Elsevier 2020
- Published: 23rd July 2020
- Imprint: Elsevier

Respiratory Physiotherapy: An On-Call Survival Guide is the go-to book for physiotherapy students and newly qualified physiotherapists when caring for patients with respiratory conditions or complications.
The title covers all common conditions for both adults and children, in a wide range of settings and focuses on practical information that is directly and immediately applicable to patient care.
The third edition is fully updated and revised, each chapter gives you access to the most up to date expertise in the field of respiratory physiotherapy. The consistent chapter layout makes it easy to identify where relevant information will be.