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- Αφρώδη υποστρώματα και επιθέματα
- Πακέτα Υλικών Θεραπείας
- Αυτοπερίδεση - Περίδεση ύπνου
- Βοηθήματα εφαρμογής ενδυμάτων
- Ενδύματα διαβαθμισμένης συμπίεσης
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- Μυοσκελετικά
- Θεραπευτική άσκηση
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- Manual Therapy
- Κλινικός συλλογισμός
- Θεραπευτικές τεχνικές
- Trigger Points
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- Taping - Περίδεση
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- Aναπνευστική/Καρδιαγγειακή φυσικοθεραπεία
- Αθλητική φυσικοθεραπεία
- Προσφορές
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- Ζέρσεϋ
- Επίδεσμοι δακτύλων
- Ελαστικοί Επίδεσμοι
- Tape συγκράτησηs
- Περιποίηση δέρματος και έλκους
- Εργαλεία μέτρησης και θεραπείας
- Ανομοιόμορφα υποστρώματα
- Αφρώδη υποστρώματα και επιθέματα
- Πακέτα Υλικών Θεραπείας
- Αυτοπερίδεση - Περίδεση ύπνου
- Βοηθήματα εφαρμογής ενδυμάτων
- Ενδύματα διαβαθμισμένης συμπίεσης
- Προστατευτικά μπάνιου
- Μυοσκελετικά
- Θεραπευτική άσκηση
- Εμβιομηχανική - Κινησιολογία
- Manual Therapy
- Κλινικός συλλογισμός
- Θεραπευτικές τεχνικές
- Trigger Points
- Διαχείριση περιτονίας
- Νευρολογικά
- Taping - Περίδεση
- Ανατομία - Φυσιολογία
- Εναλλακτικές θεραπείες
- Βελονισμός
- Αφίσες ανατομίας
- Λεξικά
- Οίδημα - Λεμφοίδημα
- Ψυχολογία
- Οστεοπαθητική
- Aναπνευστική/Καρδιαγγειακή φυσικοθεραπεία
- Αθλητική φυσικοθεραπεία
- Προσφορές

''This is a highly enjoyable and well presented book that I recommend for any clinician from student to experienced practitioner. It is suitable for all physiotherapists, manual therapists, sports physiotherapists/therapists, strength and conditioning coaches, sports scientists, athletes and patients who would like to understand, recover and improve their range and ease of movement."
Eyal Lederman
Therapeutic Stretching - A functional approach
ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ: 9780702043185
''This is a highly enjoyable and well presented book that I recommend for any clinician from student to experienced practitioner. It is suitable for all physiotherapists, manual therapists, sports physiotherapists/therapists, strength and conditioning coaches, sports scientists, athletes and patients who would like to understand, recover and improve their range and ease of movement."
Eyal Lederman
''This is a highly enjoyable and well presented book that I recommend for any
''This is a highly enjoyable and well presented book that I recommend for any clinician from student to experienced practitioner. It is suitable for all physiotherapists, manual therapists, sports physiotherapists/therapists, strength and conditioning coaches, sports scientists, athletes and patients who would like to understand, recover and improve their range and ease of movement."
Eyal Lederman
Key Features
- Helps transform thinking about the therapeutic value of stretching and how it is best applied in the clinical setting
- Examines the difference between therapeutic and recreational stretching
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Introduction to therapeutic and functional stretching
Chapter 2 – Functional and dysfunctional ROM
Chapter 3 – Causes of ROM loss and therapeutic potential of rehabilitation
Chapter 4 – Adaptation in ROM loss and recovery
Chapter 5 – Specificity in ROM rehabilitation
Chapter 6 – The overloading condition for recovery
Chapter 7 – Exposure and scheduling the ROM challenge
Chapter 8 – Rehabilitating the active ROM: neuromuscular rehabilitation
Chapter 9 – Pain management and ROM-desensitization
Chapter 10 – Stretch tolerance model
Chapter 11 – Psychological and behavioral considerations in ROM rehabilitation
Chapter 12 – Towards a functional approach
Chapter 13 – Demonstration of functional approach in ROM rehabilitation
Chapter 14 – Summary
- No. of pages: 314
- Language: English
- Copyright: © Churchill Livingstone 2014
- About the Editor
Eyal Lederman
Dr Eyel Lederman is Director, Centre for Professional Development in Manual Therapy, London, UK and a practicing osteopath. Eyal completed his PhD in physiotherapy at King’s College London where he researched the neurophysiology of manual therapy. He is actively involved in manual therapy research at UCL, exploring the clinical use of functional stretching. Eyal regularly teaches manual therapy techniques and the physiological basis of manual therapy in different schools across the UK and abroad. He has published many articles in the area and is the author of Harmonic Technique, The Science and Practice of Manual Therapy, Neuromuscular Rehabilitation in Manual and Physical Therapies and Therapeutic Stretching: Towards a Functional Approach.
Affiliations and Expertise
Eyal Lederman, Director, Centre for Professional Development in Osteopathy and Manual Therapy, London, UK; Visiting Professor, University College London (UCL) Institute of Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Science; and Practising Osteopath
- Εκδότης
- Elsevier
- Γλώσσα
- Αγγλικά
- Επιστημονικό πεδίο
- Άσκηση
- Επιστημονικό πεδίο
- Μυοσκελετικά
Key Features
- Helps transform thinking about the therapeutic value of stretching and how it is best applied in the clinical setting
- Examines the difference between therapeutic and recreational stretching
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Introduction to therapeutic and functional stretching
Chapter 2 – Functional and dysfunctional ROM
Chapter 3 – Causes of ROM loss and therapeutic potential of rehabilitation
Chapter 4 – Adaptation in ROM loss and recovery
Chapter 5 – Specificity in ROM rehabilitation
Chapter 6 – The overloading condition for recovery
Chapter 7 – Exposure and scheduling the ROM challenge
Chapter 8 – Rehabilitating the active ROM: neuromuscular rehabilitation
Chapter 9 – Pain management and ROM-desensitization
Chapter 10 – Stretch tolerance model
Chapter 11 – Psychological and behavioral considerations in ROM rehabilitation
Chapter 12 – Towards a functional approach
Chapter 13 – Demonstration of functional approach in ROM rehabilitation
Chapter 14 – Summary
- No. of pages: 314
- Language: English
- Copyright: © Churchill Livingstone 2014
- About the Editor
Eyal Lederman
Dr Eyel Lederman is Director, Centre for Professional Development in Manual Therapy, London, UK and a practicing osteopath. Eyal completed his PhD in physiotherapy at King’s College London where he researched the neurophysiology of manual therapy. He is actively involved in manual therapy research at UCL, exploring the clinical use of functional stretching. Eyal regularly teaches manual therapy techniques and the physiological basis of manual therapy in different schools across the UK and abroad. He has published many articles in the area and is the author of Harmonic Technique, The Science and Practice of Manual Therapy, Neuromuscular Rehabilitation in Manual and Physical Therapies and Therapeutic Stretching: Towards a Functional Approach.
Affiliations and Expertise
Eyal Lederman, Director, Centre for Professional Development in Osteopathy and Manual Therapy, London, UK; Visiting Professor, University College London (UCL) Institute of Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Science; and Practising Osteopath

''This is a highly enjoyable and well presented book that I recommend for any clinician from student to experienced practitioner. It is suitable for all physiotherapists, manual therapists, sports physiotherapists/therapists, strength and conditioning coaches, sports scientists, athletes and patients who would like to understand, recover and improve their range and ease of movement."
Eyal Lederman