- Ζέρσεϋ
- Επίδεσμοι δακτύλων
- Ελαστικοί Επίδεσμοι
- Tape συγκράτησηs
- Περιποίηση δέρματος και έλκους
- Εργαλεία μέτρησης και θεραπείας
- Ανομοιόμορφα υποστρώματα
- Αφρώδη υποστρώματα και επιθέματα
- Πακέτα Υλικών Θεραπείας
- Αυτοπερίδεση - Περίδεση ύπνου
- Βοηθήματα εφαρμογής ενδυμάτων
- Ενδύματα διαβαθμισμένης συμπίεσης
- Προστατευτικά μπάνιου
- Μυοσκελετικά
- Θεραπευτική άσκηση
- Εμβιομηχανική - Κινησιολογία
- Manual Therapy
- Κλινικός συλλογισμός
- Θεραπευτικές τεχνικές
- Trigger Points
- Διαχείριση περιτονίας
- Νευρολογικά
- Taping - Περίδεση
- Ανατομία - Φυσιολογία
- Εναλλακτικές θεραπείες
- Βελονισμός
- Αφίσες ανατομίας
- Λεξικά
- Οίδημα - Λεμφοίδημα
- Ψυχολογία
- Οστεοπαθητική
- Aναπνευστική/Καρδιαγγειακή φυσικοθεραπεία
- Αθλητική φυσικοθεραπεία
- Προσφορές
- Ζέρσεϋ
- Επίδεσμοι δακτύλων
- Ελαστικοί Επίδεσμοι
- Tape συγκράτησηs
- Περιποίηση δέρματος και έλκους
- Εργαλεία μέτρησης και θεραπείας
- Ανομοιόμορφα υποστρώματα
- Αφρώδη υποστρώματα και επιθέματα
- Πακέτα Υλικών Θεραπείας
- Αυτοπερίδεση - Περίδεση ύπνου
- Βοηθήματα εφαρμογής ενδυμάτων
- Ενδύματα διαβαθμισμένης συμπίεσης
- Προστατευτικά μπάνιου
- Μυοσκελετικά
- Θεραπευτική άσκηση
- Εμβιομηχανική - Κινησιολογία
- Manual Therapy
- Κλινικός συλλογισμός
- Θεραπευτικές τεχνικές
- Trigger Points
- Διαχείριση περιτονίας
- Νευρολογικά
- Taping - Περίδεση
- Ανατομία - Φυσιολογία
- Εναλλακτικές θεραπείες
- Βελονισμός
- Αφίσες ανατομίας
- Λεξικά
- Οίδημα - Λεμφοίδημα
- Ψυχολογία
- Οστεοπαθητική
- Aναπνευστική/Καρδιαγγειακή φυσικοθεραπεία
- Αθλητική φυσικοθεραπεία
- Προσφορές
The Five Osteopathic Models
This book is intended as a manual for both students and osteopathic professionals interested in exploring the principles, objectives, origins and application of the five osteopathic models, from traditional concepts up to a modern vision, based on evidence and critical thinking.
- 492 pages
- 2017 edition
- 120 colour images
This book is intended as a manual for both students and osteopathic professionals interested in exploring the principles, objectives, origins and application of the five osteopathic models, from traditional concepts up to a modern vision, based on evidence and critical thinking.
- 492 pages
- 2017 edition
- 120 colour images
I think it is by far the most comprehensive book about osteopathy that I have read. The book is superb. What an achievement by the 4 authors, such a high-quality publication and a book that the profession badly needs.’ Clive D. Lathey D.O MSc (Sports Medicine), The Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy
Far from being simply a sequence of techniques, as practiced in many countries osteopathy is an independent primary health care system based on principles applied through a manual practice: a unique profession that takes care of the whole person through the application of five models (biomechanical, neurological, respiratory-circulatory, metabolic, and behavioral). These conceptual models of the relationship between structure and function allow osteopaths to evaluate treatment with the aim of promoting health rather than curing disease.
This book is intended as a manual for both students and osteopathic professionals interested in exploring the principles, objectives, origins, and application of the five osteopathic models, from traditional concepts up to a modern vision, based on evidence and critical thinking. The selection criteria and rules for the application of each model, with their limitations and potential, are examined, to enable the reader to understand the rationale behind their use in a comprehensive, holistic and patient-centered practice.
I think it is by far the most comprehensive book about osteopathy that I have read. The book is superb. What an achievement by the 4 authors, such a high-quality publication and a book that the profession badly needs.’ Clive D. Lathey D.O MSc (Sports Medicine), The Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy
Far from being simply a sequence of techniques, as practiced in many countries osteopathy is an independent primary health care system based on principles applied through a manual practice: a unique profession that takes care of the whole person through the application of five models (biomechanical, neurological, respiratory-circulatory, metabolic, and behavioral). These conceptual models of the relationship between structure and function allow osteopaths to evaluate treatment with the aim of promoting health rather than curing disease.
This book is intended as a manual for both students and osteopathic professionals interested in exploring the principles, objectives, origins, and application of the five osteopathic models, from traditional concepts up to a modern vision, based on evidence and critical thinking. The selection criteria and rules for the application of each model, with their limitations and potential, are examined, to enable the reader to understand the rationale behind their use in a comprehensive, holistic and patient-centered practice.