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General Pathology and Internal Medicine for Physical Therapists - Steffers and Credner
ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ: 9783131543219
General Pathology and Internal Medicine for Physical Therapists introduces the basic principles of general pathology and internal medicine clearly and comprehensively for physical therapy (PT) students and practitioners. With this user-friendly book at hand, they will have the knowledge to identify underlying medical conditions, develop individualized treatment plans that take these factors into account, achieve sound therapeutic goals, and refer patients to other resources where necessary.
General Pathology and Internal Medicine for Physical Therapists introduces the
General Pathology and Internal Medicine for Physical Therapists introduces the basic principles of general pathology and internal medicine clearly and comprehensively for physical therapy (PT) students and practitioners. With this user-friendly book at hand, they will have the knowledge to identify underlying medical conditions, develop individualized treatment plans that take these factors into account, achieve sound therapeutic goals, and refer patients to other resources where necessary.
General Pathology and Internal Medicine for Physical Therapists
Κey resource written for physical therapists Written by physicians, General Pathology and Internal Medicine for Physical Therapists introduces the basic principles of general pathology and internal medicine clearly and comprehensively for physical therapy (PT) students and practitioners. With this user-friendly book at hand, they will have the knowledge to identify underlying medical conditions, develop individualized treatment plans that take these factors into account, achieve sound therapeutic goals, and refer patients to other resources where necessary.Special Features of General Pathology and Internal Medicine for Physical Therapists:
The only book on general pathology and internal medicine for physical therapists written with the in-depth knowledge and experience of practicing MDs Organized in two logical sections: the first, General Pathology, provides a basic foundation in the origin and course of diseases, cardinal signs and symptoms, and diagnostic and therapeutic procedures; the second, Internal Medicine, presents the main diseases of the different organ systems with a short physiological introduction, the pathomechanisms, the clinical pictures, and the diagnostic and therapeutic management Offers nearly 300 full-color, didactic illustrations that serve as a superb visual aid to learning Includes numerous tables, chapter summaries, a glossary of medical terminology, and case studies that make every concept clear and accessible Assists in exam preparation by providing over 160 study questions Now a major part of the curriculum in undergraduate and graduate physical therapy programs, internal medicine and general pathology are part of the basic equipment of the physical therapist. For PT students, this book will be a training guide throughout their studies and a valuable review as they prepare for examinations. For practitioners of physical therapy and other allied health disciplines, it is a reliable and easy-to-use reference that will help them fully understand their patients' medical conditions and provide the highest levels of care.- Είδος προϊόντος
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